This is a guest post by Michael Hüttermann. Michael is an expert
in Continuous Delivery, DevOps and SCM/ALM. More information about him at, or
follow him on Twitter: @huettermann.
Continuous Delivery and DevOps are well known and widely spread practices nowadays. It is commonly accepted that it
is crucial to form great teams and define shared goals first and then choose and integrate the tools fitting best to
given tasks. Often it is a mashup of lightweight tools, which are integrated to build up Continuous Delivery pipelines
and underpin DevOps initiatives. In this blog post, we zoom in to an important part of the overall pipeline, that is the discipline
often called Continuous Inspection, which comprises inspecting code and injecting a quality gate on that, and show how artifacts can
be uploaded after the quality gate was met. DevOps enabler tools covered are Jenkins, SonarQube, and Artifactory.
The Use Case
You already know that quality cannot be injected after the fact, rather it should be part of the process and product from the very beginning.
As a commonly used good practice, it is strongly recommended to inspect the code and make findings visible, as soon as possible.
For that SonarQube is a great choice. But SonarQube is not just running on any isolated
island, it is integrated in a Delivery Pipeline. As part of the pipeline, the code is inspected, and only if the code is fine according to defined
requirements, in other words: it meets the quality gates, the built artifacts are uploaded to the binary repository manager.
Let’s consider the following scenario. One of the busy developers has to fix code, and checks in changes to the central
version control system. The day was long and the night short, and against all team commitments the developer
did not check the quality of the code in the local sandbox. Luckily, there is the build engine Jenkins
which serves as a single point of truth, implementing the Delivery Pipeline with its native pipeline features, and as a handy coincidence
SonarQube has support for Jenkins pipeline.
The change triggers a new run of the pipeline. Oh no! The build pipeline broke, and the change is not further processed.
In the following image you see that a defined quality gate was missed. The visualizing is done with Jenkins Blue Ocean.
SonarQube inspection
What is the underlying issue? We can open the SonarQube web application and drill down to the finding. In the Java code, obviously a string literal is not placed on the right side.
During a team meeting it was decided to define this to be a Blocker, and SonarQube was configured accordingly. Furthermore, a SonarQube quality gate was created to break any build, if a blocker was identified. Let’s now quickly look into the code.
Yes, SonarQube is right, there is the issue with the following code snippet.
We do not want to discuss in detail all used tools, and also covering the complete Jenkins build job would be out of scope.
But the interesting extract here in regard of the inspection is the following stage defined in Jenkins pipeline DSL:
config.xml: SonarQube inspection
stage('SonarQube analysis') { (1)
withSonarQubeEnv('Sonar') { (2)
sh 'mvn org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin: ' + (3)
'-f all/pom.xml ' +
'-Dsonar.projectKey=com.huettermann:all:master ' +
'-Dsonar.login=$SONAR_UN ' +
'-Dsonar.password=$SONAR_PW ' +
'-Dsonar.language=java ' +
'-Dsonar.sources=. ' +
'-Dsonar.tests=. ' +
'-Dsonar.test.inclusions=**/*Test*/** ' +
The dedicated stage for running the SonarQube analysis.
Allow to select the SonarQube server you want to interact with.
Running and configuring the scanner, many options available, check the docs.
Many options are available to integrate and configure SonarQube. Please consult the documentation for alternatives. Same applies to the other covered tools.
SonarQube Quality Gate
As part of a Jenkins pipeline stage, SonarQube is configured to run and inspect the code. But this is just the first part,
because we now also want to add the quality gate in order to break the build. The next stage is covering exactly that, see
next snippet. The pipeline is paused until the quality gate is computed, specifically the waitForQualityGate step will pause the
pipeline until SonarQube analysis is completed and returns the quality gate status. In case a quality gate was missed, the build breaks.
config.xml: SonarQube Quality Gate
stage("SonarQube Quality Gate") { (1)
timeout(time: 1, unit: 'HOURS') { (2)
def qg = waitForQualityGate() (3)
if (qg.status != 'OK') {
error "Pipeline aborted due to quality gate failure: ${qg.status}"
The defined quality gate stage.
A timeout to define when to proceed without waiting for any results for ever.
Here we wait for the OK. Underlying implementation is done with SonarQube’s webhooks feature.
This blog post is an appetizer, and scripts are excerpts. For more information, please consult the respective documentation, or a good book, or the great community, or ask your local expert.
Since they all work in a wonderful Agile team, the next available colleague just promptly fixes the issue. After checking in
the fixed code, the build pipeline runs again.
The pipeline was processed successfully, including the SonarQube quality gate, and as the final step, the packaged and tested artifact was
deployed to Artifactory. There are a couple of different flexible ways how to upload the artifacts,
the one we use here is using an upload spec to actually collect and upload the artifact which was built at the very beginning of the pipeline.
Also meta information are published to Artifactory, since it is the context which matters and thus we can add valuable labels to the artifact for further processing.
config.xml: Upload to Artifactory
stage ('Distribute binaries') { (1)
def SERVER_ID = '4711' (2)
def server = Artifactory.server SERVER_ID
def uploadSpec = (3)"""
"files": [
"pattern": "all/target/all-(*).war",
"target": "libs-snapshots-local/com/huettermann/web/{1}/"
def buildInfo = Artifactory.newBuildInfo() (4)
buildInfo.env.capture = true (5)
buildInfo=server.upload(uploadSpec) (6)
server.publishBuildInfo(buildInfo) (7)
The stage responsible for uploading the binary.
The server can be defined Jenkins wide, or as part of the build step, as done here.
In the upload spec, in JSON format, we define what to deploy to which target, in a fine-grained way.
The build info contains meta information attached to the artifact.
We want to capture environmental data.
Upload of artifact, according to upload spec.
Build info are published as well.
Now let’s see check that the binary was deployed to Artifactory, successfully. As part of the context information, also a reference to the
producing Jenkins build job is available for better traceability.
In this blog post, we’ve discovered tips and tricks to integrate Jenkins with SonarQube, how to define
Jenkins stages with the Jenkins pipeline DSL, how those stages are visualized with Jenkins Blue Ocean, and how the artifact
was deployed to our binary repository manager Artifactory.
Now I wish you a lot of further fun with your great tools of choice to implement your Continuous Delivery pipelines.
Jenkins 2
Sonarqube Jenkins plugin
Jenkins Artifactory plugin
'DevOps for Developers', Apress, 2012
'Agile ALM', Manning, 2011