A sustainable pattern with shared library

    This post will describe how I use a shared library in Jenkins. Typically when using multibranch pipeline.

    If possible (if not forced to) I implement the pipelines without multibranch. I previously wrote about how I do that with my Generic Webhook Trigger Plugin in a previous post. But this will be my second choice, If I am not allowed to remove the Jenkinsfile:s from the repositories entirely.


    Within an organization, you typically have a few different kinds of repositories. Each repository versioning one application. You may use different techniques for different kinds of applications. The Jenkins organization on GitHub is an example with 2300 repositories.

    The Problems

    Large Jenkinsfiles in every repository containing duplicated code. It seems common that the Jenkinsfile:s in every repository contains much more than just the things that are unique for that repository. The shared libraries feature may not be used, or it is used but not with an optimal pattern.

    Installation specific Jenkinsfile:s that only work with one specific Jenkins installation. Sometimes I see multiple Jenkinsfile:s, one for each purpose or Jenkins installation.

    No documentation and/or no natural place to write documentation.

    Development is slow. Adding new features to repositories is a time consuming task. I want to be able to push features to 1000+ repositories without having to update their Jenkinsfile:s.

    No flexible way of doing feature toggling. When maintaining a large number of repositories it is sometimes nice to introduce a feature to a subset of those repositories. If that works well, the feature is introduced to all repositories.

    The Solution

    My solution is a pattern that is inspired by how the Jenkins organization on GitHub does it with its buildPlugin(). But it is not exactly the same.

    Shared Library

    Here is how I organize my shared libraries.


    I put this in the Jenkinsfile:s:


    Default Configuration

    I provide a default configuration that any repository will get, if no other configuration is given in buildRepo().

    I create a vars/getConfig.groovy with:

    def call(givenConfig = [:]) {
      def defaultConfig = [
          * The Jenkins node, or label, that will be allocated for this build.
        "jenkinsNode": "BUILD",
          * All config specific to NPM repo type.
        "npm": [
            * Whether or not to run Cypress tests, if there are any.
          "cypress": true
        "maven": [
            * Whether or not to run integration tests, if there are any.
          "integTest": true
      // https://e.printstacktrace.blog/how-to-merge-two-maps-in-groovy/
      def effectiveConfig merge(defaultConfig, givenConfig)
      println "Configuration is documented here: https://whereverYouHos/getConfig.groovy"
      println "Default config: " + defaultConfig
      println "Given config: " + givenConfig
      println "Effective config: " + effectiveConfig
      return effectiveConfig

    Build Plan

    I construct a build plan as early as possible. Taking decisions on what will be done in this build. So that the rest of the code becomes more streamlined.

    I try to rely as much as possible on conventions. I may provide configuration that lets users turn off features, but they are otherwise turned on if they are detected.

    I create a vars/getBuildPlan.groovy with:

    def call(effectiveConfig = [:]) {
      def derivedBuildPlan = [
        "repoType": "NOT DETECTED"
        "npm": [],
        "maven": []
      node {
        checkout([$class: 'GitSCM',
          branches: [[name: '*/branchName']],
          extensions: [
              [$class: 'SparseCheckoutPaths',
                [[$class:'SparseCheckoutPath', path:'package.json,pom.xml']]
          userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: 'someID',
          url: 'git@link.git']]
        if (fileExists('package.json')) {
          def packageJSON = readJSON file: 'package.json'
          derivedBuildPlan.repoType = "NPM"
          derivedBuildPlan.npm.cypress = effectiveConfig.npm.cypress && packageJSON.devDependencies.cypress
          derivedBuildPlan.npm.eslint = packageJSON.devDependencies.eslint
          derivedBuildPlan.npm.tslint = packageJSON.devDependencies.tslint
        } else if (fileExists('pom.xml')) {
          derivedBuildPlan.repoType = "MAVEN"
          derivedBuildPlan.maven.integTest = effectiveConfig.maven.integTest && fileExists('src/integtest')
        } else {
          throw RuntimeException('Unable to detect repoType')
        println "Build plan: " + derivedBuildPlan
      return derivedBuildPlan

    Public API

    This is the public API, this is what I want the users of this library to actually invoke.

    I implement a buildRepo() method that will use that default configuration. It can also be called with a subset of the default configuration to tweak it.

    I create a vars/buildRepo.groovy with:

    def call(givenConfig = [:]) {
      def effectiveConfig = getConfig(givenConfig)
      def buildPlan = getBuildPlan(effectiveConfig)
      if (effectiveConfig.repoType == 'MAVEN')
      } else if (effectiveConfig.repoType == 'NPM')

    A user can get all the default behavior with:


    A user can also choose not to run Cypress, even if it exists in the repository:

      "npm": [
        "cypress": false

    Supporting Methods

    This is usually much more complex, but I put some code here just to have a complete implementation.

    I create a vars/buildRepoNpm.groovy with:

    def call(buildPlan = [:]) {
      node(buildPlan.jenkinsNode) {
        stage("Install") {
          sh "npm install"
        stage("Build") {
          sh "npm run build"
        if (buildPlan.npm.tslint) {
          stage("TSlint") {
            sh "npm run tslint"
        if (buildPlan.npm.eslint) {
          stage("ESlint") {
            sh "npm run eslint"
        if (buildPlan.npm.cypress) {
          stage("Cypress") {
            sh "npm run e2e:cypress"

    I create a vars/buildRepoMaven.groovy with:

    def call(buildPlan = [:]) {
      node(buildPlan.jenkinsNode) {
        if (buildPlan.maven.integTest) {
          stage("Verify") {
            sh "mvn verify"
        } else {
          stage("Package") {
            sh "mvn package"


    The Jenkinsfile:s are kept extremely small. It is only when they, for some reason, diverge from the default config that they need to be changed.


    There is one single point where documentation is written, the getConfig.groovy-file. It can be referred to whenever someone asks for documentation.


    This is a highly scalable pattern. Both with regards to performance and maintainability in code.

    It scales in performance because the Jenkinsfile:s can be used by any Jenkins installation. So that you can scale by adding several completely separate Jenkins installations, not only nodes.

    It scales in code because it adds just a tiny Jenkinsfile to repositories. It relies on conventions instead, like the existence of attributes in package.json and location of integration tests in src/integtest.

    Installation Agnostic

    The Jenkinsfile:s does not point at any implementation of this API. It just invokes it and it is up to the Jenkins installation to implement it, with a shared libraries.

    It can even be used by something that is not Jenkins. Perhaps you decide to do something in a Docker container, you can still parse the Jenkinsfile with Groovy or (with some magic) with any language.

    Feature Toggling

    The shared library can do feature toggling by:

    • Letting some feature be enabled by default for every repository with name starting with x.

    • Or, adding some default config saying "feature-x-enabled": false, while some repos change their Jenkinsfile:s to buildRepo(["feature-x-enabled": true]).

    Whenever the feature feels stable, it can be enabled for everyone by changing only the shared library.

    About the Author
    Tomas Bjerre
    Tomas Bjerre

    Tomas Bjerre is an experienced fullstack software developer. Been working full time since 2010 after graduating with a masters degree in computer science from Lund University (Faculty of Engineering, LTH). Is currently working full time and maintaining a bunch of Jenkins plugins on his spare time.