Jenkins Infrastructure: Stats, Updates, and AWS sponsorship

    The Jenkins project relies heavily on its infrastructure. We use websites like and, ticketing systems like , CI/CD infrastructure like , and many other services. Just to provide some context about the Jenkins infrastructure scale, here are some stats from April 2020:

    Country by country visitors to

    Country by country visitors to

    The Jenkins project, as an open source project, is built and maintained by its awesome community. Like in any organization, there are specific people who make sure that those services are always up and running. Everyone is welcome to participate. Infrastructure is no exception, we are always looking for new contributors to the infrastructure!

    While we can’t share publicly everything like secrets and certificates, we still try to be as transparent as possible so that everybody can understand and improve our infrastructure without having privileged access. What better way than using Git to manage infrastructure work?

    Who said GitOps?

    Since the creation of the Jenkins-infra organization on GitHub in March 2008, more than 650 people have contributed to over 80 git repositories. Those contributions make the Jenkins community what it is today. If you can’t find something there, it probably means that some help is welcomed.

    More recently, with help from Gavin Mogan, Tim Jacomb, and Alex Earl, big achievements have been possible on many fronts like automating Jenkins releases, refreshing, adding new agents to, and maintaining our Kubernetes cluster. We thank them for their help and for the infrastructure progress they have enabled.

    Infrastructure at Scale

    Running infrastructure at the scale the Jenkins project does is expensive and sometimes quite challenging. We are fortunate enough to be supported by many leading companies that provide us their expertise, their products, and their support.

    Recently, Amazon Web Services donated $60 000 to run Jenkins infrastructure on the AWS cloud. We’re so grateful for their donation and for the flexibility it provides. We’re running Linux agents with AMD64 and ARM64 architectures on AWS. We’re using AWS cloud for our Windows agents. The generous infrastructure donation from Amazon Web Services has increased our continuous integration capacity and broadened our platform coverage.

    Our Sponsors

    Additional sponsors of Jenkins infrastructure services and software include Atlassian, Datadog, Fastly, IBM. JFrog, Pagerduty, Rackspace, Sentry, Serverion, SpinUp, Tsinghua University, and XMission.

    Each of these organizations support the Jenkins project in their own way. We thank them for their contributions, their support and for their willingness to help the Jenkins community.

    About the Author
    Olivier Vernin
    Olivier Vernin

    Olivier is the Jenkins infrastructure officer and Senior Operations Engineer at CloudBees. As a regular contributor to the Jenkins infrastructure projects, he works on a wide range of tasks from services reliability to applications maintenance.