Join us for online UI/UX hackfest on May 25-29!

    This event is over, thanks a lot to all contributors! Please the event page for results.

    Jenkins Is The Way

    On behalf of the Jenkins User Experience, Documentation and Advocacy and Outreach special interest groups, we are happy to announce the online UI/UX hackfest on May 25-29! Everyone is welcome to participate, regardless of their Jenkins development experience.

    The goal is to get together and work on improving Jenkins user experience, including but not limited to user interface and user documentation. We also invite you to share experiences about Jenkins and to participate in UX testing. The event follows the Jenkins is the Way theme and the most active contributors will get special edition swag and prizes!

    Event plan

    This hackfest is NOT a hackathon. We do not expect participants to dedicate all their time during the event timeframe, but hop-in/hop-out as their time allows. Everybody can spend as much time as they are willing to dedicate. Spending a few days or just a few hours is fine, any contributions matter regardless of their size. Jenkins development experience is not required, we have newcomer-friendly stories for those who want to start contributing to the project. We will also have a 24/7 jenkinsci/hackfest Gitter chat for Q&A and coordination between contributors.

    There will be 3 main tracks:

    • User Interface - Improve look&feel and accessibility for Jenkins users, work on new read-only interface for instances managed with configuration as code, create and update Jenkins themes, and many other topics. This track is coordinated by the UX SIG.

    • User Documentation - Improve and create new user documentation, tutorials and solution pages. Also, there is ongoing documentation migration from Wiki to and plugin repositories. This track is coordinated by the Documentation SIG.

    • Spread the word - Write user stories for Jenkins Is The Way site and the Jenkins blog, post about your Jenkins user experience and new features, record overview and HOWTO videos, etc. This track is coordinated by the Advocacy and Outreach SIG.

    We are working on publishing project ideas and issues for the listed tracks. The current list can be found on the UI / UX hackfest event page, this list will be finalized by the beginning of the hackfest. You are welcome to propose your own projects within the User Experience theme.

    During the event, we will organize online meetups and ad-hoc training sessions in different timezones. All these sessions will be recorded and shared on our YouTube channel. There are no mandatory sessions you must attend, you are welcome to join ones remotely or watch the recordings. After the event we will invite participants to demo their projects at online meetings or recorded sessions.


    This event is over, thanks a lot to all contributors!

    P.S: Note that the registration form has a question top 3 things we could change in Jenkins to improve your user experience. We would appreciate your response there!


    Please use the following contacts to contact organizers:


    Swag and Prizes

    Thanks to our sponsors (CloudBees, Inc. and Continuous Delivery Foundation), we are happy to offer swag to active contributors!

    • 50 most-active contributors will get an exclusive "Jenkins Is The Way" T-shirt and stickers

    • Active contributors will get Jenkins stickers and socks

    • We are working on special prizes for top contributors, to be announced later

    Jenkins Is The Way T-shirt Jenkins Socks Jenkins Stickers


    We thank all contributors who participate in this event as committers! We especially thank all reviewers, organizers and those who participated in the initial program reviews and provided invaluable feedback. In particular, we thank User Experience, Documentation and Advocacy and Outreach SIG members who heavily contributed to this event.

    We also thank sponsors of the event who make the swag and prizes possible: CloudBees, Inc. and Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF). In addition to swag, CloudBees donates working time for event hosts and reviewers. CDF also sponsors our online meetup platform which we will be using for the event.

    CloudBees Continuous Delivery Foundation.

    About the Author
    Oleg Nenashev
    Oleg Nenashev

    Jenkins core maintainer and board member, open source software and open hardware advocate, TOC chair in the Continuous Delivery Foundation. Oleg started using Hudson for Hardware/Embedded projects in 2008 and became an active Jenkins contributor in 2012. Nowadays he maintains [Jenkinsfile Runner](, contributes to several Jenkins SIGs and outreach programs (Google Summer of Code, Hacktoberfest) and organizes Jenkins meetups in Switzerland and Russia. Oleg works on open source programs and [Keptn]( at the [Dynatrace](, Open Source Program Office.