Another big thank you to Rackspace

    As the Jenkins project grows,[the need for our infrastructure has been growing].[Our Jenkins-on-Jenkins] needs more build agents, we need more servers to run our infrastructure services. +
    And it was[once again] Rackspace who stepped up to the plate; they have kindly donated us more[cloud servers]. I also use Rackspace for one of my personal servers, and when I went back to their admin console this time, I noticed that they've added[a lot more services] to their offering. +
    image:*/[image,width=200,height=200] +
    I am setting up these boxes as I write this. A huge thank you for Rackspace for their support of this project. And if you are interested in using Rackspace cloud servers as elastic build agents,[jclouds plugin] is your friend.
    About the Author
    Kohsuke Kawaguchi
    Kohsuke Kawaguchi

    Kohsuke is the creator of Jenkins.